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  • My Life Journey as an International Matchmaker | Naoko Matsumoto

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My Life Journey as an International Matchmaker | Naoko Matsumoto

Hello everyone. My name is Naoko Matsumoto. I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I am an entrepreneur, a lucky wife who is married to the nicest man in the world, and a mom of an 11 year old precious boy.


Today, I am so excited to share how my life journey begins, and how it continues.


When people ask me why I do a matchmaking business, I always say, “I became a matchmaker because I wanted to get married to a nice, handsome American guy. People laugh, but It is true. I have been working as an international matchmaker for over 21 years.


In 1999, I became an international matchmaker by establishing a global matchmaking agency in the heart of Tokyo. At that time, I was single and I was too tired of being single.

Since I was a child I was curious about different cultures, and I had dreamed of marrying a gentleman from another country with a different cultural background. I believed that there must be someone special on this planet, and he was seeking a Japanese woman like me, and I was waiting for him to find me.

Unfortunately, there was no chance to meet such a prince on a white horse while I was in Japan. I was getting older and I was tired of hearing from my mom repeatedly everyday, “When are you going to get married?”. This was too much pressure for me and I wanted to escape from this situation and find a solution.

Finally, I decided to become a matchmaker and my life became happier. The purpose of my life is summarized in the following three points. Firstly, I wanted to make my own dreams come true, secondly, I want to help make our client’s dreams come true, and, thirdly, I want to create a big circle of happiness and spread love around the world.

Let me share more details of my life journey.

I focused on how to make my dreams come true. So, I decided to start an international matchmaking business. My clients are single men and women from all over the world and we have hosted many successful singles parties in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, and Tokyo with sometimes hundreds of international attendees at one event. And, we have many former clients who are now happily married due to our help. I am proud of working for our member’s happiness and I really enjoy working as a matchmaker and assisting in their major life change.

Being a matchmaker is my passion, and I met my husband through my business.

In 2005, I met a gentleman in Los Angeles, and finally, I got married in 2006. After happily getting married, my business grew so fast because my husband understood what I am passionate about, and he supported me a lot. I appreciate that my husband takes care of many things at home and with my business as well. Meanwhile, more and more clients have gotten married. They came to our service because they wanted to be happy like me and my husband. I really enjoy creating happiness.

After getting married, my business has grown into a new phase of training future matchmakers.

Some of our female clients who were happily married through our service came to me and said, “I want to be a matchmaker. I want to be like you, Naoko san.” I am glad to hear that many Japanese women are interested in working for someone’s happiness. So, now I started teaching them how to be a matchmaker.

The project of training matchmakers just started, and I am so excited to create a global community of happiness and love.

In summary, I became a matchmaker and I met my love. I assist our clients in finding their happiness and my business is expanding globally.

I am very happy since my dreams came true, and I am always surrounded by happy people whose dreams are coming true. Matchmaking is my life’s mission and my life journey will continue until the world is filled with love and peace.


Naoko Matsumoto Traditional Japanese Matchmaker

Traditional Japanese Matchmaker is the best dating and matchmaking service in Japan that is specialized for single professionals and Japanese women established in 1999. Please click the link below to sign up for TJM’s Free Registration if you are truly interested. We look forward to assisting you in finding your Japanese wife.

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Naoko Matsumoto
CEO and Your Personal Matchmaker
Traditional Japanese Matchmaker


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