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- Successful Men Make Decisions Quickly and Take Action Right Away
Tips for Men
Successful Men Make Decisions Quickly and Take Action Right Away
“I’d like to update my status to “Presently involved with someone”
We heard these words from one of our male members last week. We confirmed with the female member he was corresponding with if she has the same feeling. “YES!” she wrote, and their corresponding status has been changed. We are glad that he and she decided to start an exclusive relationship in a very short time.
He first contacted us on Christmas Eve, Dec 24th, 2016. He completed his profile on our member page in just three days, and he reserved his preliminary skype consultation with one of our matchmakers on Dec 28th, 2016. After his phone consultation, we introduced some young and beautiful Japanese women to him based on his criteria. And, he signed up for our full membership in early January 2017.
He started corresponding with some of our female members soon after his full membership process had been completed.
He traveled to Japan in the middle of February 2017 in order to meet our female members in person. After that, he wrote us his feedback, and he narrowed down and selected one of the women whom he had met in Japan. Fortunately, he and she felt chemistry for each other.
It took about only three months since he decided to start his journey of finding his partner and he has been doing very well so far. We have many successful men who have found their ideal partner within three months. He creates success not with words only, but also through his commitment which leads to definitive actions. We can tell that he already had a clear vision toward his goal when he first contacted us, and he has consistently followed his clear vision throughout the process.
When you have a clear vision of your goals, are fully committed to achieving your goals, make decisions quickly, and take action right away, your goals will be achieved in a short amount of time.
If you have been looking for your ideal partner for more than three years with no results, let us help you in finding your lifelong partner. Our experienced matchmakers are always happy to assist you in realizing your dreams. Our matchmakers look forward to talking with you at your preliminary consultation. The first step is to make your appointment today. https://meetjapanlady.com/Step1.htm (The Preliminary Consultation Application form is in TJL’s newsletter.)
Naoko Matsumoto: CEO and Your Personal Matchmaker
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