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- Manifest “Getting Married within One Year” as Your New Year Resolution 2017
Tips for Men
Manifest “Getting Married within One Year” as Your New Year Resolution 2017
As a matchmaker, we always discuss with our female members about the goal of “Getting married within one year.” We all know that only dreams with a set date or a deadline will come true. Dreams without deadlines do not work since people are lazy and procrastinate. Life gets in the way. Things that they don’t place at a priority position do not happen. Although marriage is one of the most important events in people’s lives, many people place marriage at the bottom of their to-do-list in their daily lives.
We suggest for your New Year’s Resolution that you set a new goal for 2017 to “Get married within one Year.” The power of intention is a truly powerful and reality creating tool. Once you decide that you want to achieve something and you do everything to make it a reality and live as if it already is true, it will come true. See the movie “The Secret” to learn more about this method.
Here are some points that will help you when you decide to “Get married within one year.”
・This goal includes about 6-8 months for her to obtain her fiance visa if she is a Japanese woman who lives in Japan. So, the goal of getting married within one year actually means that there is less than 6 months in order to get engaged.
・If you are a busy businessman, block the dates in your calendar to visit Japan now even though you haven’t met anyone yet. Scheduling a trip to Japan makes you more committed in finding your right person. Just like you reserve a business trip, you will need to recognize that finding a Japanese partner requires the same level of commitment as your business.
・Plan to join our Meet and Greet Event in Japan in July 2017. Our popular meet and greet event with Japanese women will take place on July 1 or 2. Details will be announced at a later date. When you plan to join our event in 2017, your life will be changed fabulously!
Some men say that they do not want to make a relationship decision in a hurry since they would like to choose the right person. We agree that it is important to make the right decision! However, from our many years of experience we have seen that men who make a quick, decisive decision to get married are the only ones who get married. The other men, who say they need more time to think about it, never get married. If you spend more than a year with one woman and have made no decision, you are more likely to never make a decision to marry her. She can sense this indecision and lack of interest on your part and she may begin to feel anxious, impatient, and distrustful. The longer you debate whether this person is the right person or whether now is the right time to get married, you will sink into analysis paralysis and your dream of getting married will not come true anytime soon or perhaps never.
The wiser route to choose is to make a decision either yes or no and to move on to marriage or to another female member. It is similar to being a competent businessman in that he makes decisions confidently and quickly. You simply have to let go of your fear and make a choice. Life is not about being perfect. Choosing to live life is much better than sitting on the sidelines and waiting for life to happen. Our many happily married couples can attest to the fact that making a decision to get married was a wise choice.
Since 2017 New Year’s Resolution is upon us, now is a great time to manifest getting married in one year. Decide to be married in one year like you make business decisions and your dream marriage will finally come true!
Naoko Matsumoto: CEO and Your Personal Matchmaker
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