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  • TJL’s Events in July 2017 were Big Success!!!

Tips for Men

Matchmakers in Japan

TJL’s Events in July 2017 were Big Success!!!

On July 1st and 2nd 2017, we had three events:

  1.  Make Happy Babies Seminar for Female Members
  2.  Finding Love Strategy Discussion for Female Members Only
  3.  Meet and Greet in Tokyo for Our Male and Female Members

Over 2 days we had 3 events and over 100 people attended. And the events gave participants a big boost in learning about marriage and relationships.


1. Make Happy Babies Seminar for Female Members:
We invited a doctor who is an obstetrician and a gynecologist to speak. He is also a specialist of infertility treatments and the author of a book about Infertility. We planned this seminar because many Japanese women who are over 40 years old come to our service to find their partner and they still want to have children. However, most of our male members who want to marry and start their family want to meet women who are under 35 years old. So, this is a difficult scenario to deal with. We believe that the women who attended this seminar may figure out what they need to prioritize for in their lives and many may decide to take quick action.

Japanese Women Want to Have Happy Babies Seminar for Japanese Women in TOKYO Seminar for Japanese women in TOKYO Japanese Women Want to Have Children Traditional Japanese Matchmaker Hosted the Seminer for Japanese Women

2. Finding Love Strategy Discussion for Female Members Only
This event was exclusively for female members who are struggling to find their partner. Three matchmakers heard their issues, offered support, and suggested possible solutions which everyone discussed. All three matchmakers provided strategies for their successful relationships. At the beginning of the event, one of our successful couples who just got married in June came to say hello. It was a happy moment and all the participants celebrated them!

We also had pizza time and enjoyed an American style party!

Traditional Japanese Matchmaker hosted the Coaching Seminer for Japanese Women Seminar in Tokyo for Japanese Women Japanese Women Japanese Matchmakers | Traditional Japanese Matchmaker Japanese Matchmaker Japanese Women Naoko Matsumoto Japanese Matchmaker We are Married | Traditional Japanese Matchmaker


3. Meet and Greet in Tokyo for Our Male and Female Members
This event was for our male and female members only. 5 male members joined from outside of Japan, 2 men came from Japan, and 19 of our female members joined. We discussed about topics related to marriage and relationships that are hard for people to ask their prospective partners. However, these topics are very important to discuss BEFORE getting married as they will often decide whether the marriage is a success or not.
We also had sushi time and enjoyed a Japanese style party!Meet Japanese Women in TOKYO

Meet and Greet with Japanese Women in TOKYO

Meet Japanese Women in JapanJapanese WomenMeet Japanese Women in TOKYOFind Love in Japan Nobita with Traditional Japanese Matchmakers

At the end of the party, we had a FREE HUG time. As you may know, we do not have a “hug culture” in Japan. So, we experienced how hugging each other is wonderful!

Daichi Free Hug with Traditional Japanese MatchmakersMeet Japanese WomenJapanese Matchmaker from San FranciscoSpeed Dating Event in JapanNaoko Matsumoto Japanese Matchmaker

We enjoy planning these kinds of events since our events are VERY meaningful for our members. These events are much more meaningful than just speed dating events since they offer time to openly discuss important relationship topics that are often hidden away in the dark. We plan to hold similar events next year in summer 2018!
If you sincerely want to marry a Japanese woman, our events are great opportunities for you to learn about and meet Japanese women!!!


We have been working as professional Japanese matchmakers for 18 years. We look forward to assisting you in finding your Japanese wife.

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Join us at our next events.

Naoko Matsumoto
Creating Happy Couples for 18 years

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