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  • March 3rd Update: Summer 2024 Tokyo Meet & Greet: Connect with Japanese Women on July 13th & 14th!


Meet Japanese Women in Akihabara Tokyo

March 3rd Update: Summer 2024 Tokyo Meet & Greet: Connect with Japanese Women on July 13th & 14th!

TJM’s Event “Summer 2024 Tokyo Meet & Greet: Connect with Japanese Women” will take place on July 13th & 14th. The event will span two days.


Event Venue

Today, we have decided on the event venue. The location is within Tokyo, a 5-minute walk from JR Akihabara Station and a 3-minute walk from Iwamotocho Station on the subway.

This is Akihabara


Last Year

Reflecting on last year’s (2023) Tokyo event, travel restrictions were lifted and COVID-19 was fully resolved in May in Japan, which led to delayed announcements to TJM members. Despite this, we were able to welcome male participants from overseas and female participants from regions far and wide across Japan, including Kanto, Kansai, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Tohoku areas. We are grateful for their participation.


Following last year’s event, some members began interactions with serious intentions towards marriage. Among the female members who attended last year’s TJM gathering, many have gotten engaged and started the process towards marriage.
As the organizers, we are proud to see that participation in TJM events is turning the dreams of happy marriages into reality for many.


Summer 2024 Tokyo

And, in the hope that 2024 brings even more connections through TJM events, we have provided information about the Tokyo event much earlier than last year to make it easier for our male members to participate by providing ample time to make travel and accommodation plans from overseas. We are planning to offer benefits for early birds.


Marriage Minded Only

TJM’s matchmaking events are a unique opportunity where single women with a high intention of marrying men living abroad participate, naturally elevating everyone’s consciousness towards marriage. This sets it apart fundamentally from speed dating or online dating events aimed at making casual acquaintances, as our goal at TJM is to assist our clients in finding marriage partners.


TJM Full Members Only

For 2024, we’ve secured the dates early to facilitate your travel planning. The TJM matchmaking event is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 13th and 14th, 2024. Participation is exclusively for TJM Full Members, requiring prior membership registration.


For those who are not yet TJM Full Members, please follow the process below for Full Member registration.

Step1: TJM Free Consultation

Step2: TJM Profile Registration

Step3: TJM Full Membership


The method to apply for TJM events will be communicated through our newsletter as soon as the details are finalized.
We look forward to meeting you at TJM’s events this summer!


Naoko Matsumoto
Founder and CEO
Traditional Japanese Matchmaker
Naoko Matsumoto Traditional Japanese Matchmaker

Traditional Japanese Matchmaker is the best dating and matchmaking service in Japan that is specialized for single professionals and Japanese women established in 1999. Please click the link below to sign up for TJM’s Free Registration if you are truly interested. We look forward to assisting you in finding your Japanese wife.

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Naoko Matsumoto The Best Matchmaker in Japan

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