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  • 2018 Singles Event in Japan Was A Great Success!


Marry a Japanese Woman

2018 Singles Event in Japan Was A Great Success!

TJM’s 2018 annual events in Tokyo were all completed last weekend.


In total, there were more than 120 attendees at all three events (including two seminars for single Japanese women) in two days. Attendees were from Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo in Japan, Korea, the east and west coasts of the US, and even from a European country. We appreciate all of the single men and Japanese women who attended our events. They really want to meet the right person. Thank you very much!!!


Here are some photos from our 2018 events in TOKYO!

Marry a Japanese Woman Naoko Matsumoto, Traditional Japanese Matchmaker Luna Watanabe, Traditional Japanese Matchmaker Workshop for Japanese women in Japan Dating in Tokyo Japan Matchmaking in TOKYO, Japan Japanese Women 2018 Singles Event in Japan Was A Great Success! Singles Party in Tokyo Japan How to meet Japanese women Speed Dating with Japanese Women

Regarding our Singles event, 12 men and 24 women attended. Men had the opportunity to talk with 24 single women! After our Singles event had finished, we had 5 new couples as a result!!!


For the other attendees, we setup individual meetings before and after the meeting. Some men didn’t have enough time to setup individual meetings, but we can still setup Skype meetings when they return to their home countries.


Our event works if you really want to find the right person. Actually, 4 Japanese women who are our members and were recently engaged came to our event to say hello to us. They attended our 2017 events and we assisted them in finding their right partners after our event.


We believe that our event is a great opportunity to take action to make your dream of finding the right partner for you come true!!!


Naoko Matsumoto

Naoko Matsumoto Traditional Japanese Matchmaker

Traditional Japanese Matchmaker is the best dating and matchmaking service in Japan that is specialized for single professionals and Japanese women established in 1999. Please click the link below to sign up for TJM’s Free Registration if you are truly interested. We look forward to assisting you in finding your Japanese wife.

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